Study Guide to Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 6/e
Perfect for graduate and undergraduate students, this book helps the reader understand some of the most elusive fundamentals of epidemiology and biostatistics. The sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and further clarifies difficult concepts such as person-time incidence rates, confounding, effect modification, P values, and survival analysis. The authors have also covered new topics that are increasingly seen in current literature such as attributable risk, the use of odds and the application of probabilistic concepts in epidemiology, the reliability of screening tests, and longitudinal regression models.
46 objectives, expressed in behavioral terms, cite the concepts to be learned and the level at which students are expected to perform
A final chapter which introduces a systematic procedure to aid the student in the evaluation of health science articles
Study Notes, which can be used as the sole source of input to cover the material or used to supplement attendance at a lecture series
Chapter Exercises, which encourage students to immediately use their newly acquired knowledge, and thus improve retention through practice
Multiple Choice Examinations, which have the same scope and are on the same level that students may expect to encounter in professional examinations
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Investigation of an Epidemic
Chapter 2 Measures of Mortality
Chapter 3 Incidence and Prevalence
Chapter 4 Measures of Risk
Chapter 5 Biological Va