Preoperative Assessment and Management. 3/e
TThis latest edition of Preoperative Assessment and Management offers up-to-date, concise, and comprehensive information for anyone who performs preoperative assessments on patients. With a practical, no-nonsense writing style, it provides fast, efficient answers on evaluating patients with neurological, cardiac, renal, endocrine, metabolic, hematologic, musculoskeletal, and other disorders; administering medications; and more.
- New chapters address the evaluation of acutely ill, obese, geriatric, and sleep apnea patients, as well as business logistics—billing, staffing, remote assessment, and more.
- Ebook now features ultrasound clips, highlighting the emerging diagnostic use of this technology in preoperative assessments.
- Bulleted format and numerous tables enable you to find information—and perform evaluations—quickly and efficiently.
- Ideal for anesthesiologists, residents in anesthesiology, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, hospitalists, and surgeons.
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