Consent, Benefit and Risk in Anaesthetic Practice.
The first book to examine the principles of consent, benefit and risk in relation to the practice of anaesthesia - topics of growing importance
Case studies used throughout to illustrate points and make medico-legal principles applicable to daily practice
Relevant to both medical and non-medical medico-legal practitioners
Collates previously obscure information, assisting readers in consenting patients and in explaining risk
Patient expectations regarding involvement in their own healthcare have increased dramatically over the past few years. It is no longer acceptable for the doctor to dictate treatment; patients demand information regarding treatment options, and input into the selection of the most appropriate treatment plan. This is evidenced by court decisions that have upheld patient litigation on the basis that inadequate information was given to them before treatment, and that they were unaware of risks of complications which subsequently materialised. Whilst these complaints are more typical against surgeons, similar claims are likely in relation to anaesthetic procedures. Anaesthesia is no longer considered a non-negotiable aspect of surgical care, and anaesthetists need to be aware of current issues surrounding provision of information concerning risks and benefits of anaesthesia, and obtaining consent.
This book provides useful, up-to-date information for anaesthetists and medico-legal practitioners regarding consent, risk an