" Emphasizes the mind/body connection in back pain
" Uses illustrations, key point boxes and bulleted lists to aid reader comprehension
" Contains case studies of real patients' tales
" Explains why long term back pain develops and persists
" Includes Key Point boxes at the start of each chapter to quickly summarise important concepts covered in the text
Back Pain: The Facts is aimed at people who want to help themselves. Affecting nearly everyone at some time in their lives, 40% of people will have experienced some form of back pain within the last year, with around 5% of sufferers taking time off work within the last month. Long-term back pain causes a great deal of distress and unhappiness, affecting work life, income, home life, relationships, fitness and mood.
Back Pain: The Facts uses clear, succinct chapters to give advice about every aspect of managing back pain, as well as answering frequently asked questions from sufferers. A key element is empowerment through understanding why back pain starts and why it persists. There are chaptersck pain promoting stretching, exercise, relaxation, communication, and advice on sexual relations, as well as considerable on emphasis on helping with thoughts and feelings.