Diagnostic Ultrasound: Principles and Instruments. 5/e
Product Description
A market leader and a highly respected reference, this text explains how diagnostic ultrasound works and helps readers scan safely, properly handle artifacts, evaluate instrument performance, and prepare for registry and board examinations. It covers all essential aspects of ultrasound physics, including Doppler, artifacts, safety, quality assurance, and the newest technologies. Information is presented dynamically, with a multitude of boxes and tables and over 1,300 illustrations. Focusing on the most basic and essential equations, this book simplifies complicated mathematical concepts. * Coverage of the basics of physics and ultrasound provides students with what they need to know to pass the registry exam. * Learning Objectives and Key Terms begin each chapter, and subheadings have been added to break up the chapters into more accessible sections. * 40-page color insert includes more than 100 ultrasound scans, providing an accurate representation of what students will actually encounter in the clinical setting.