Fundamentals of Plant Virology is an introductory student text covering all of modern plant virology. The author, Dr. R.E.F. Matthews, has written this coursebook based on his classic and comprehensive Plant Virology, Third Edition. Four introductory chapters review properties of viruses and cells and techniques used in their study. Five chapters are devoted to current knowledge of all major plant viruses and related pathogens. Seven chapters describe biological properties such as transmission, host response, disease, ecology, control, classification, and evolution of plant viruses. A historical and future overview concludes the text. Fundamentals of Plant Virology is a carefully designed instructional format for a plant virology course. It is also an invaluable resource for students of plant pathology and plant molecular biology.
Summarizes knowledge on all aspects of plant virology
Condenses all essential material from Plant Virology 3/e
Compares basic properties of cells and viruses
Outlines principles of gene manipulation technology
Discusses serological techniques including monoclonal antibodies
Geared to student level course