The use of ultrasound for diagnostics and treatment has become the principal imaging procedure in most clinical fields, displacing many conventional examination methods. With more than 850 entries, the Dictionary of Ultrasound gives expert interdisciplinary answers to important clinical and technical questions in this topic area. The Dictionary contains terms ranging from A-scan to mitral insufficiency and stress echocardiography, 3-D reconstruction, Doppler shift, Fourier analysis and gray scale, from hepatic metastases through gallbladder hydrops to lymphnodes, from pregnancy to uterine myomatosis, from muscles to Achilles tendon and from hydrocele to renal calculus, to name just a few examples. The keywords have been assembled from all fields of ultrasound application and are defined in a concise and easily read form. To illustrate the diagnostics, classical diagnoses are documented by means of more than 100 diagrams and illustrations--many in a special colour-plate Appendix--depicting the latest technical features of ultrasound diagnostics such as pulsed-wave Doppler and the use of contrast media. Charts allow rapid delimitation of the various diagnostic criteria and syndromes. In addition, the large number of references in the entries provide the user with a timesaving and effective way of finding supplementary or related information.