Drug Facts and Comparisons. 60/e 2006
Drug Facts and Comparisons. 60/e 2006

作者:F. & C.







Product Description Drug Facts and Comparisons contains up-to-date, comprehensive information on over 22,000 Rx and almost 6,000 OTC items grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. The annual hardbound edition features the Color Locator, a full-color section of photos of the most frequently prescribed tablets and capsules organized by color for easy visual identification. The book answers questions about: actions, indications and contraindications; warnings and precautions; interactions between drugs; adverse reactions; administration, dosage, and overdosage; patient information. Comparisons are provided: Of drug to drug; of different dosage forms; name brands are compared to name brands and to generics. Facts and Comparisons are also given on Centers for Disease Control biologicals and antiparasitic drugs; IV solutions; therapeutic and diagnostic ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic aids and radiographic contrast media and products; NCI investigational chemotherapeutic drugs; combination cancer chemotherapy regimens.