How the Human Genome Works.
How the Human Genome Works.








The Essential Genetics Primer! This unique text explains the basics of the human genome: what it is, what it does, and its implications in health and disease. In seven clear and concise “Lectures,” Dr. McConkey conveys the essentials of what we know about genes and gene expression, how mutations lead to simple and complex disorders, and how the rapid advance in our understanding of the human genome is impacting the practice of medicine. How the Human Genome Works will be useful for people in the health sciences at all levels, from students to established professionals, who want to update their knowledge about human genetics without making a major time commitment. This brief book, which can be read in a few sittings, will provide you with a broad basic understanding of this complex topic. It is the ideal text for science, medical, and nursing students, practicing physicians and nurses, and all others who need a readable overview of human genetics. Table of Contents Lecture 1. Natural history of the human genome General aspects of the genome What’s in a gene Repetitive DNA Tandemly repetitive sequences Dispersed repetitive sequences Chromatin Gene expression Transcription RNA processing Translation Lecture 2. The mechanisms of mutation: how the human genome changes Spontaneous mutations Mutations arising during DNA replication Effects of changes in base sequence on gene expression Mutation by transposable elements Mutations that are errors in rec