Weiner & Levitt's Pediatric Neurology. 4/e
Archives of Neurology, Volume 61, Shane Maxwell -- "This book does a great job of cramming a large amount of information about little patients into a book meant for little pockets. This book hits its mark. It fits comfortably into a clinic coat pocket. The interior has easy-to-read figures, tables, and illustrations. The appendices have useful charts and lists of developmental milestones, testing devices, and growth curves. Most of the text follows an outlined, bulleted format. This allows quick referencing. The book is informative, sturdy, portable, and well priced. This text provides basic information and stimulates deeper learning. It is a great addition to the library of a neurology or pediatric resident, medical student, or experienced neurologist needing a quick reference."
Product Description
Part of the House Officer Series, Weiner & Levitt's Pediatric Neurology, Fourth Edition has been extensively reorganized, thoroughly updated, and includes many algorithms and tables. The new structure presents the book in six sections, and is consistent with the ways in which clinicians approach their patients. The first section offers introductory chapters under the heading of evaluation, and includes neurologic history, neuro exam, and localization. The bulk of the material is in two sections and covers common complaints and specific diseases, while the remaining sections cover drugs and diagnostic and neuropsychological tests.