ECG Interpretation for the Clinical Exercise Physiologist.
ECG Interpretation for the Clinical Exercise Physiologist.
Product Description
ECG Interpretation for the Clinical Exercise Physiologist shows students how to accurately read and interpret ECG's. Moreover, because it's written for exercise science students, clinical exercise physiologists and exercise specialists, it enables them to tailor stress tests and cardiac rehabilitation programs to meet the needs of their patients. Beginning with an introduction to basic concepts and measurements, the book explores rhythm and atrioventricular blocks followed by discussions of such key topics as infarct, hypertrophy, axis, and conduction defects. The two authors, a clinical exercise physiologist and a cardiologist, offer an approach consistent with the ACSM's Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA's). Rather than rote memorization, they emphasize real-world case studies and knowledge-building activities to deepen understanding.