Medical Genetics. 3/e








Product Description This is one of the few medical genetics texts on a 2-year revision cycle. It provides up-to-date information that can be read, retained, and applied with ease! The 3rd Edition covers pharmacogenomics, the societal implications of technologies, the Human Genome Project, cloning, genetic enhancement, and embryonic stem cell research, new tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes, and more. Mini-summaries, study questions, suggested readings, and a detailed glossary facilitate review of the material. Clinical relevance is demonstrated in over 230 photographs, illustrations, and tables as well as boxes containing patient/family vignettes. Its coverage includes ethical, legal, and social issues and clinical commentary on important genetic diseases. A companion web site offers continuing updates and a wealth of additional features. About the Author Lynn B. Jorde, PhD, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah