Opioids in Cancer Pain. 2/e
o Provides a guide to evidence-based medicine on the use of opioids in cnacer pain management from an international group of editors.
o Chapters are devoted to individual opioids, including structure, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, routes of administration, toxicity and dosing.
o Indlues the WHO analgesic guiddelines and opioid choices.
o Designed to help inform the creation of local protocols and guidelines regarding the prescribing of opioids.
There is a great deal of interest in the effective use of opioids for cancer pain due to concerns from both clinicians and patients about addiction. When used correctly, opioids are capable of relieving pain in more than 90% of cancer patients. In reality, patients world-wide continue to endure pain usually due to irrational fears about using them. fear of addition is fed by outdated knowledge about opioids and the unintended effects of the war on drugs. However, new research shows that using opioids appropriately for pain management is effective, sage and has an extremely low potential to produce addiction.