Anesthesiology Clinics of North America: Current Concepts in Postoperative Pain Management.
Anesthesiology Clinics of North America: Current Concepts in Postoperative Pain Management.
Table of Contents
1. Risks of Blood Transfusion (Goodnough) 2. Anemia and Clinical Outcomes (Carson) 3. Preoperative Autologous Donation (Goodnough) 4. Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution (Monk) 5. Blood Transfusions and Clinical Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery (Shander) 6. Transfusion in the Pediatric Patient (Weldon) 7. Blood Conservation in Critical Care (Corwin) 8. The Future of Artificial Oxygen Carriers (Spahn) 9. Red Blood Cell Recovery and Reinfusion (Waters) 10. Errors in Transfusion Medicine (Stainsby) 11. Pharmacologic Interventions in Blood Conservation (Despotis, Paintsil) 12. Preoperative Assessment of the Elective Orthopaedic Surgery Patient (Keating) 13. Advances in Surgical Techniques to Minimize Surgical Blood Loss (Spence)