Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2Vols 4/e
Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 2Vols 4/e
'it goes without saying that this is a thorough, in depth review of chest medicinr and as far as I could see, leaves nothing out. I was pleased to see this is a book for active physicians rather than researchers or scientists. It is aimed saqurely at the specialists but generalists such as GPs or specialists in other but related disciplines would also find this book a good reference source. I also liked the principal that associated non repiratory problems are covered in detail. Take for example, Sarcoidosis which has always been classified as a chest deisease but is also a multi system disease. Teh chapter on sarcoidosis is an excellent review of the whole topic and not just the pulmonary aspects. In addition there are excellent chapters on issues that you don't always findsuch as air pollutionm high altitude and diving medicine.
Importantly the book is readable, and releveant to physicians and adopts a well rounded approach to informing the doctor what he or she needs to know. The depth of detail acheived is just right and this book has an encylopedic feel to it. There are plenty of illusitrations in the book but in the main, this is primarily a text based reference source.'-- June 2006 Dr Harry Brown.