Supplement I to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. 18/e
Supplement I to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. 18/e








Supplement I to JP XVIII in English language comprises in order as follows; The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ministerial Notification; Contents; Preface; General Tests, Processes and Apparatus; Official Monographs, including Crude Drugs and Related Drugs; Infrared Reference Spectra; Ultraviolet-visible Reference Spectra; General Information; Index; Index in Latin name; Index in Japanese; and Addenda.
◆General Tests, Processes and Apparatus which were newly added are: 2.00 Chromatography; 2.27 Near Infrared Spectrometry; 2.28 Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
◆General Tests, Processes and Apparatus which were revised are: 2.01 Liquid Chromatography; 2.02 Gas Chromatography; 2.22 Fluorometry; 2.58 X-Ray Powder Diffraction Method; 3.04 Particle Size Determination; 9.01 Reference Standards; 9.41 Reagents, Test Solutions; 9.42 Solid Supports/Column Packings for Chromatography
◆Official Monographs provides 95 articles, including 11 articles newly added, 2 articles deleted and 82 articles revised.
◆In accordance with the application of “2.66 Elemental Impurities”, several items of Purity were deleted from 863 monographs.